Graphic design

  • Download Autodesk AutoCAD 2023.1.1 Win/Mac

    Autodesk AutoCAD is a software used to draw engineering and industrial maps. Of course, civil and drafting engineers know this tool much better than ordinary people. In AutoCAD, AutoCAD users can use two-dimensional and three-dimensional environments. Everywhere in the world, if a map is to be drawn, everyone will draw it with an AutoDesk product. We offer this tool as a small gift to the engineers and designers of planning and civil engineering.Features of Autodesk…

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  • Download PLC-Lab Pro 2.2 

    PLC-Lab is a software with which you can create a digital and simple counterpart to teach a programmable logic controller (PCL) and fix all the logic problems of your program. The goal of PLC-Lab program is to provide comprehensive design and configuration options so that various projects can be implemented using this program. You can give objects physical properties that affect the behavior of objects during simulation. For example, objects may depend on gravity or…

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  • Download InnovMetric PolyWorks Metrology Suite 2022 IR3.3 

    PolyWorks Metrology هو برنامج متعدد الأغراض يستخدم في مجال المقاييس وقياسات 3D. يتيح برنامج PolyWorks Metrology الهندسة العكسية والتحكم في هندسة المنتج والتصحيحات المتعلقة بالهندسة المعمارية ومراقبة تشوه سطح الأرض والمزيد. توفر حزمة برامج PolyWorks ، التي تحتوي على العديد من الأدوات والقدرات ، إمكانية العمل مع كمية كبيرة من البيانات بسرعة وسهولة. ميزة أخرى لمجموعة البرامج هذه هي إمكانية العمل مع البيانات التي تم الحصول عليها من الماسحات الضوئية 3D من العلامات التجارية المعروفة.

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  • Download GeoGebra 6.0.732 Win/Mac/Linux

    GeoGebra is a free software designed to help users with various mathematical calculations including calculus, algebra and geometry. Since the GeoGebra program is based on the Java programming language, you must make sure that the appropriate workspace for this program is installed before using it. Using this program, it is possible to add points and vectors and perform calculations related to them (such as measuring the length of a vector) as well as work with…

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  • Download Mendeley Desktop 2.79.0 Win/Mac/Linux

    Mendeley is a web and desktop software for managing research resources and sharing scientific articles, finding research data and collaborating online. The Mendeley program is actually a scientific social network for researchers. Mendeley software can be used to automatically extract document details (author, title, journal, etc.) from digital copies of scientific articles to databases. The Mendeley website complements the desktop Mendeley software by providing a number of web-based features. It is an online recovery library…

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  • Download ESI Visual Environment 18.0

    ESI Visual Environment is an application software from the esi family software series for virtual prototyping, which is used to view the output results of simulations such as Proxet and Pam Kersh, etc. Visual Environment is the integrated environment for all your CAE needs and meets engineering simulation needs in major industries. Visual Environment includes a comprehensive modeling tool to generate quality meshes on complex geometries for various engineering fields, from Crash and Passenger Safety…

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  • Download Altair Inspire 2022.1.1 /Studio/Render/Cast/Form/Mold

    Altair Inspire is a software in the field of topology optimization / industrial design and fast simulation that design engineers can use. The Altair Inspire program increases the efficiency, durability and manufacturability of products by enhancing the conceptual development process by activating the design resulting from simulation. These measures ultimately reduce costs, development time, material consumption and product weight. Using this program, you can easily create dynamic movement of complex mechanisms and automatically identify connections,…

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  • Download ESI ProCAST 2022.0 Solvers

    يستخدم ESI ProCAST لمحاكاة إنتاج الأجزاء المصبوبة باستخدام العديد من طرق الإنتاج. تعد عمليات المحاكاة مثل ملء القالب والتجميد وهيكل الأجزاء المصبوبة واحدة من أكثر الطرق فعالية لإنتاج أجزاء صحية ذات خصائص ميكانيكية مرغوبة عن طريق طريقة الصب. من بين هذه الطرق الصب في قوالب دائمة ، ومكافحة الجاذبية ، وصب الرمال ، والصب الدقيق ، وما إلى ذلك.

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  • Download ESI SysWeld 2021.0

    ESI SysWeld is a 3D computer simulation software used for welding and heat treatment processes. The ESI SysWeld program is a fast, attractive and easy-to-use welding and heat treatment simulator that supports all welding and heat treatment engineering features.Features of ESI SysWeld softwareManagement of the assembly of partial parts (mapping of defective geometry, mapping with initialization of physical properties, mapping with geometric transformation, etc.)Keeping the state based on the current defective geometryUpdate in-call parameters to…

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  • Download Autodesk Netfabb Ultimate 2023 R1

    Autodesk Netfabb is a powerful software for producing, cutting, troubleshooting and preparing 3D models for printing. This program, like other AutoCAD products, has a simple interface and offers a wide range of features to the user. 3D printing is a relatively new industry that has only recently entered commercial activity in earnest. As one of the main pioneers in the field of CAD, AutoCAD has introduced the Netfabb program, which is one of the best…

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