Download MKVToolnix 70.0.0 Win/Mac/Linux + Portable

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MKVToolnix is ​​an application software for the MKV format, which is one of the popular formats for video files, which allows you to join an unlimited number of videos, audio and subtitles in one file. If you want to add or remove video, audio or subtitle tracks of an MKV file, or even want to create a new file based on video files in MP4, AVI or SRT, SUB, etc. formats. You can use MKVToolnix software. By using the MKVToolnix software, you will be able to merge the subtitle file in SRT format with the desired movie in MKV format, so that when moving or playing the movie, the movie with subtitles can be played easily by clicking on the video file. High speed and performing composition operations without loss of quality are among the features of this software.
Description of how to work with MKVToolnix software
After installing and running the software, add the video file and audio file as well as the subtitle file in the Input Files section. Now in the Tracks, Chapters and tags section, you can see the subtitle, audio file and video file of the movie. By pressing the UP and Down keys, determine the priority of playing the sound and subtitles.
Note that if you enter several languages ​​and subtitles here, you can change the dubbing and subtitles at any time through the video player.
Now, the only thing you need to do is to press the Start Muxing key so that the files are merged together in a short period of time, equal to a few seconds, and after that the file is ready and provided to you.

Требуемая система

  • Windows 7/8/10/11
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