Download _ AIMP 5.03 Build 2230 Final + Portable

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AIMP is one of the best and most beautiful software for playing music and audio files, which is able to support all music files in different audio formats and play them in a very beautiful environment. With the AIMP software, you can easily add the desired audio files to the software using the Add Files, Add Folder, Add Playlist, and even simple Drag and Drop methods and then start playing them. AIMP software has a very suitable volume compared to other softwares that are made in the field of playing audio files, because most of the beautiful and useful players have very large volumes and their execution time takes a long time, but This player has the right volume with these wonderful features.
Some features of AIMP
Ability to play and play all audio files in different formats
Ability to import audio files in several different formats
Having a Sound Recorder to record sound on the computer
Having Audio Converter to convert audio and video files to each other
Having internet radio to listen to radio stations
The placement of the software icon next to the Windows clock and the possibility of controlling it there
Having a HotKey for each button for faster operation
Having advanced and professional Options menu
The possibility of editing and making changes in the specifications of audio files
Ability to search audio files
Ability to make changes in sound settings
The possibility of creating a playlist and playing it

النظام المطلوب

  • Windows 7/8/10/11
كيفية تحميل

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