Download Sublime Merge 2 Build 2077 Win/Mac – Working with Git


Sublime Merge

Sublime Merge 是用于使用 Git 的新一代客户端,它是一个具有许多可定制功能的 软件。 Sublime Merge 的主要目的是帮助专业计算机用户使用 Git 更快、更高效地工作。这个软件的图形用户界面非常人性化,但它具有高级和专业的选项。该程序的一些显着优势包括快速准确的代码突出显示引擎、可定制且以性能为导向的 Git 库。 Sublime Merge 软件支持 40 多种语言,并具有自动加载来自第三方和独立服务的语法的系统。
借助 Sublime Merge 程序,您可以通过即时分类文件、类别和行来更快地完成工作。该软件的其他显着功能包括一系列合并工具,您可以使用这些工具在几秒钟内解决合并冲突。命令面板、子模块管理器、命令行集成和 Git Flow 集成是它的其他功能之一。正如该领域的程序所期望的那样,该软件在个性化部门中装备精良且先进。用户可以完全控制程序的一般功能、布局、执行消息和各种有用的工具。


Training to install and activate the software by Patch
Unzip the file.
Install the software, but do not run it.
Copy the patch file to the path where the software is installed.
Right-click on the Patch file and select Run as administrator and click on the Patch button.
Run the software.
To prevent the crack from being disabled, put the software in the antivirus or Windows firewall.
Training to install and activate the software by Crack
Unzip the file.
Install the software, but do not run it.
Copy the file in the Crack folder to the path where the software is installed and replace the previous file.
Run the software and register the software with the desired serial number.
To prevent the crack from being disabled, put the software in the antivirus or Windows firewall.
Training to install and activate the software by Keygen
Unzip the file.
Install and run the software.
Run the keygen file and select Sublime Merge and hit the Generate button.
Register the software by serial keygen.


  • Windows 7/8/10/11
  • macOS 10.9 or later 64-bit – Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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